Setra Blog

Brandon Rogers

Recent Posts

May 30, 2016

How to Prevent Mold Growth

Although mold has many medical uses, it can be a huge problem for homes and buildings, especially if mold growth goes undetected. Mold spores spread easily and can grow anywhere, including carpet, clothing, food, paper as well as drywall, areas inside walls, around leaking or condensing pipes, and above ceiling tiles. Since mold cannot be completely eradicated and can be costly to fix, the best approach is to prevent mold before it becomes a problem. So how do you prevent mold growth? 

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April 25, 2016

What is preventing companies from investing in energy management?

Companies often resist change, especially when lacking direction, a defined end goal, guidance and leadership. It should be a top priority for executives to cut costs and streamline operations.  However, there may be several emerging barriers for companies to overcome in order to begin investing in energy management.

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April 11, 2016

How Is Humidity Measured?

The accurate measurement of humidity is important in many HVAC/R applications. Relative Humidity (RH) is a measure of the ‘actual humidity’, relative to the maximum possible humidity at a given temperature. RH sensors contain an assembly that is made up of an integrated sensor and transmitter. The sensor measures the RH while the transmitter creates an output signal proportional to the sensed RH. There are two common types of humidity sensing elements that are most widely used; Capacitive and Resistive.

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April 04, 2016

3 Types of Filters for Liquid Processing

When selecting a filter it is important to select the proper filter type, not only for removing undesirable material from a liquid stream but to ensure the filter meets the needs and requirements of the system.  Proper filter selection can be varied amongst industrial applications including water filtration, boilers, and irrigation. Filter selection not only encompasses the media and size of the particle that is being captured, but operational costs also come into play. Below three basic filter types to consider for liquid processing:

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February 19, 2016

HVAC Trends 2016

2016 is all about thinking smarter, with the integration of devices and innovation working together to improve a process rather than focusing on a single technology or behavior. Businesses are thinking smarter by developing extensive resource management strategies to drive cost savings. From intelligent buildings to waste management, this year’s energy management trends can give companies a real competitive advantage, especially in a time of changing energy grids, rising water prices, and tighter regulation.

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January 25, 2016

What are the Differences between Current Switches & Transducers

Current switches and current transducers are often used in very similar applications. Common applications include: monitoring motor activity, detecting belt slippage or breaking in fan, monitoring for bearing wear in motors and detecting heating element failure or end of life.

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January 18, 2016

Discover Power Meter Savings at AHR 2016

It's almost here! The 2016 AHR Expo kicks off in three weeks on Monday January 25 in sunny Orlando Florida with a record breaking number of attendees and exhibitors. With hundreds of new products launching at the expo, there isn't a lack of HVAC innovation. Setra, this year located at Booth 1244 in the Building Automation section, is featuring multiple new products including the Power Patrol.

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January 11, 2016

AHR: Setra to Feature New Products in Orlando

With over 2,000 organizations as featured exhibitors this year, there will be thousands of brand new products being highlighted across over a dozen applications. With only three weeks away from the 2016 AHR Expo, Setra is excited to be sharing its newest lineup of products to attendees.  Some of Setra's newest products are:

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November 16, 2015

How to Troubleshoot BACnet Communications

A common issue that users see is that a new device is added to a network but is not communicating with the segment or has intermittent communication. Troubleshoot BACnet communication problems through the following steps:

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August 20, 2015

10 Questions To Ask Before Selecting a Humidity Sensor

When selecting a relative humidity (RH) sensor, there are many factors to keep in mind that can contribute to longer product life and a successful project.  Being aware of the environmental conditions where the sensor will be installed can help determine the correct product specification for the sensor. Every application has its own challenges and requirements. To ensure that you choose the correct RH sensor for your application, ask the following 10 questions:

1. What RH range do I need to measure?
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