Setra Blog
Brandon Rogers
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Master the Basics With HVAC Terminology
Absolute Pressure — Pressure measured relative to full vacuum. Referred to as pounds per square inch absolute (PSIA).
Atmospheric Pressure — Pressure of the atmosphere at the earth’s surface NIST standard atmospheric pressure = 1.01325 bar.
BAR — Unit of pressure (or stress). 1 bar = 750.07 mm of mercury at 0°C, at 45°.
Look no further than the recent Ebola case in the US to understand that one of the greatest fears in the general population is the rapid spread of infectious disease. When infectious diseases such as Ebola and MERS make an appearance, they immediately become front page news and are featured by every media outlet across America.
While there are many strategies employed to prevent these infectious diseases from becoming a
For an updated glossary, please visit our FAQ page.
Alternating Current - current that reverses its direction of flow periodically (Hz).
Ampere - a unit of measure for the rate of current flow
Apparent Power - applied voltage multiplied by current in an AC circuit. This value would not take the power factor into account. Unit is volt amperes. (VA).
NECN Interview With Setra
Setra’s Room Pressure Monitor, SRPM, was highlighted on the ‘Saving Dr. Brantly’ segment on NBC a few weeks ago, as it was installed on all of the isolation rooms at Emory Hospital in Atlanta.
On Wednesday October 22, Peter Howe from New England’s News Station (NECN) came to Setra to interview David Carr, General Manager of Setra, to learn more about how Setra’s line of Room Pressure Monitors can help prepare hospitals around the world for an epidemic, such as Ebola.
In the opinion of registered nurses polled by National Nurses United (NNU), 80% of the respondents believed that hospitals in the United States are insufficiently prepared to deal with potentially infectious diseases such as Ebola. One countermeasure to become better prepared suggested by the 700 polled registered nurses is to “properly equip isolation rooms to assure patient, visitor and staff safety.”
It’s All About the Funding: Everything You Need To Know About Bill Clinton’s Keynote Speech at WEEC ‘14
Regardless of your feelings on politics, anyone who has ever listened to Bill Clinton speak knows he is a pretty convincing guy. In trying to unite both sides of a conflict, few orators are as gifted as Clinton at leveraging common sense to bridge a gap and bring people to the middle towards resolution of an issue; today was no different.
GIS (Geographic Information Systems) believe it or not will make just about any HVAC professional's job easier. Aerial photography became extremely useful to contractors when progress of projects could be shown through pictures. Eventually other job functions caught onto this resource that had been available for years.
Have you ever wondered why AC units can't produce consistent airflow? Or even what's the root of system inefficiencies? One of the main causes is that a monitoring solution isn't in place or isn't working properly.
By not owning a smart meter, you could be loosing money in two ways. The first way is quiet obvious, where you'd be paying inaccurate electricity bills. Meters don't give proper estimates, whereas smart meters break down precise usage. The second way is that if installation of a meter is refused, you could be subject to fines. Although this idea is only for American Electric Power Ohio customers, other areas of the country could adopt this policy in the future. For this company and many others, maintaining these outdated meters could be become exponentially expensive. Lack of interest and enthusiasm in smart meters result from not knowing how diverse and beneficial the applications are.
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