Setra Blog

Meghan Kelley

Recent Posts

May 07, 2020

What is Thermal Compensation?

Thermal compensation is used to offset sensor performance when efficiency is impacted by fluctuations in temperature. Transducers used for precise testing and measurement applications, such as in engine test stands, undergo thermal compensation. Many transducers used in other critical applications may be thermally compensated. Thermally compensating sensors is crucial as temperature can have a significant impact on performance if not accounted for. This step in manufacturing counteracts the effects from changes in temperature that can influence the accuracy of a transducer's output. Thermal influence the accuracy of a transducer's output. Thermal compensation helps reduce the impact of temperature changes on sensitive components.

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May 05, 2020

Creating and Monitoring a Negative Pressure Space

Negative pressure rooms are spaces engineered to control infections. In a hospital setting, they are referred to as isolation rooms, which must have both visual and audible alarming capabilities in the primary room pressure monitor. By utilizing negative pressure, these patient isolation spaces help prevent the spread of infectious airborne particles. COVID-19 has created heightened awareness of the need for negative pressure patient care spaces beyond the hospital isolation room. Examples include nursing homes, long-term care facilities, hospice care, and even dental offices.

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April 30, 2020

Setra's Smallest Sensors for Ventilators

Many companies in today's world are working to help support the urgent need for ventilator manufacturing. For this application, Setra's two smallest pressure sensors can function for OEMs, our Models 210 and 263.

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April 29, 2020

In Case You Missed It: Setra's COVID-19 RPM Webinar

On April 23, Setra hosted a webinar about our Room Pressure Monitors and how they help with isolation rooms and COVD-19 preparations. The recording of the webinar is below:

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April 28, 2020

A Solution for Cleanroom Environmental Monitoring

Cleanrooms are among the most strictly regulated critical environments, often continuously monitoring temperature, differential pressure, and relative humidity, in addition to the size and quantity of every particle. Continuous environmental monitoring helps ensure the quality of products manufactured in those clean spaces.

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April 22, 2020

How to Lessen Chiller Impact on Utility Bills

For an average commercial building, up to a third of total electricity used is consumed by HVAC and refrigeration systems. Within those systems, chillers can be responsible for over 40% of that demand, resulting in 10-12% of overall electricity usage. As this equipment uses such a large amount of electricity, submetering opportunities for cost savings can have a quick return on investment.

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April 16, 2020

Today's View of USP <800>

When USP <800> became official in December 2019, it did not become enforceable like USP <797>. Rather, it is advisory and meant to serve as a guideline for handling hazardous drugs (HDs). With this guideline in place, here are some actions pharmacies should take today.

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April 14, 2020

The Model AXD™ Pressure Sensor: Reliability for Refrigeration

In HVAC and refrigeration, pressure sensors monitor pressure changes to indicate when issues arise. Drops in pressure can alert technicians of needed maintenance or larger problems. Within the variety of HVAC applications are also numerous available sensors for every environment. For example, industrial pressure sensors can be used to measure the pressure of fluorocarbon refrigerants, the pressure of chilled water in chiller systems, or the pressure of refrigerant in a refrigeration system.

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April 09, 2020

What Room Pressure Monitor Does My Space Need?

Each space in a hospital requires a different level of monitoring. Some rooms necessitate observing a variety of parameters while others only need an indication of pressure. No matter the requirements, Setra offers a line of pressure monitors to fit any room.

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April 08, 2020

Industrial Pressure Sensors for Ventilator Safety

Today's world depends heavily on the production of ventilators and the safety of critical environments. However, said safety is not dependent on room pressure monitors alone. High accuracy industrial pressure sensors contribute to production efforts for ventilators.

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