Setra Blog

November 26, 2019

Setra Will Be at the 2019 ASHP Midyear Show!

Come see Setra at the 2019 ASHP Midyear Show in Las Vegas! We will be exhibiting at Booth 1769. The show runs from December 9-11.

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November 21, 2019

Answering Your Questions About Setra FLEX

We recently interviewed one of our sales managers about Setra FLEX. He answered some of the most common questions related to FLEX and its capabilities as a hub.

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November 19, 2019

Vacuum Pressure Sensing in Medical Devices

Vacuum pressure sensors are employed in a range of industrial applications, from high-speed injection molding to semiconductor manufacturing to raw material handling. They can also be found in many different medical and dental devices. These types of medical and dental devices utilize a relatively low vacuum pressure to remove matter. Depending on the specific application, these devices vary from finely controlling aspiration in human organs to saliva ejectors at the dentist. Certain surgical equipment will evacuate minuscule amounts of matter or tissue that are removed as part of a medical procedure. Vacuum sensors can also be used for pressure testing disposable medical devices to ensure there are no leaks.

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November 14, 2019

Case Study: Meeting Current and Future Codes with Setra FLEX

Undergoing renovation and expansion leads to a hospital reconsidering its critical environment monitoring for the present and the future. The medical facility in question was looking for room pressure monitors that would meet existing and any new codes and guidelines released in upcoming years. They didn't want to install room pressure monitors to be only minimally code compliant; rather, they were looking to meet requirements and monitor many ASHRAE Standard 170 spaces that don't strictly require monitors. Monitoring is crucial for proper cleanliness conditions, and the Joint Commission and CMS inspectors tend to scrutinize all ASHRAE 170 pressurized spaces.

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November 12, 2019

Setra will be at AHR 2020

AHR 2020 is coming up in Orlando! Setra will be at Booth 973 from February 3 through the 5. Keep an eye out for announcements of the products we will be bringing!

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November 07, 2019

Answering Your Questions About Setra Lite

We recently interviewed one of our sales managers about the Setra Lite. He answered some of the most common questions around this innovate product.

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November 05, 2019

What is Green Building and LEED Certification?

Buildings have a considerable impact on the environment, using energy and other resources while generating potentially harmful waste. To reduce the impact of buildings on the environment, green building standards for sustainable design are now in practice. These standards detail requirements for designing, constructing, and operating buildings in a way that uses fewer resources and produces less waste.

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October 31, 2019


The field of meteorology relies on barometric pressure sensors to monitor changes in atmospheric pressure. Even U.S. Government organizations like the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Data Buoy Center depend on barometric sensors. These demanding applications require dynamic response and high-performance calibration as well as accuracy, stability, and low thermal error.

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October 29, 2019

Does Your Room Pressure Indicator Still Require a Ping-Pong Ball? Maybe It's Time to Upgrade

Hospitals and other critical environments contain several spaces that require pressurization. Highly critical spaces require full environmental room monitoring. However, a number of other spaces still require pressurization but do not require a room monitor. According to ASHRAE Standard-170, spaces like this include:

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October 24, 2019

Avoiding Transducer Failure with High Overpressure Protection

Heavy-duty equipment for both indoor and outdoor applications typically requires measuring water or liquid pressure to some degree. This equipment endures harsh conditions and a wide range of temperatures which can lead to water freezing inside pressure transducers, particularly when equipment is idle. Common applications where this occurs are:

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