Setra Blog

April 04, 2016

3 Types of Filters for Liquid Processing

When selecting a filter it is important to select the proper filter type, not only for removing undesirable material from a liquid stream but to ensure the filter meets the needs and requirements of the system.  Proper filter selection can be varied amongst industrial applications including water filtration, boilers, and irrigation. Filter selection not only encompasses the media and size of the particle that is being captured, but operational costs also come into play. Below three basic filter types to consider for liquid processing:

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March 28, 2016

What is Hydrogen Embrittlement?

Hydrogen is used as a process media across many different industries and applications. Used in OEM equipment, pressure sensors play an important role in the safe, efficient, and reliable operation in material handling equipment, power generation, hydrogen production/distribution and many other applications.

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March 24, 2016

Types of pressure measurements

Even with a pressure transducer, it can be very confusing to measure pressure. For one thing it may be diffcult to understand all the different pressure measurement types, and apply its application correctly.

Hopefully this presentation can clear things up:

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March 21, 2016

What can contaminate a cleanroom?

There is no guarantee of a perfect, contaminant free cleanroom. However by adhering to room pressure requirements, proper gowning procedures and by understanding the origins of the contaminants, users can minimize contamination risk to ensure safe testing and manufacturing environment. These are some of the things you may not have realized can compromise a cleanroom, and some possible ways to reduce the contamination of the source.

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March 17, 2016

What is the difference between True and Calculated Wet-to-Wet Differential Pressure?

After understanding the difference between wet-to-wet, wet-to-dry and dry-to-dry differential pressure transducers, it is time to learn about the different types of sensors designed to measure wet-to-wet differential pressure. Wet-to-wet differential pressure sensors are broken into two main categories, true wet-to-wet differential pressure and calculated wet-to-wet differential pressure.

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March 07, 2016

What is CRC ERROR?

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Error indicates when data is corrupted. Calculating from all data, CRC validates packets of information sent by devices and verifies it against the data extracted, ensuring its accuracy. When sending packets over,BACnet automatically calculates and stores a CRC value for the packet. Later when the packet is received, BACnet calculates the CRC value of the packet and compares it to the original value. If the two values do not exactly match a CRC error occurs.

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March 03, 2016

Placing Multiple Current Transformers in a Single Channel

We didn’t say it was easy monitoring energy. While monitoring energy consumption, it may be overwhelming to manage numerous appliances using a power meter. To keep management simple, you can measure several different circuits by placing multiple current transformers within a single channel. However, this can only be done if all circuits are powered from the same phase of electrical circuits. This method is useful to combine all circuits into one measurement, oversee all appliances or to measure energy used for lighting. By placing multiple (2+) light circuits in a single current transformer (CT) you can capture more light circuits with bundled inputs. The maximum amount of CT’s per channel is limited to the gauge of the wire to fit in the terminal block. Placing multiple CT’s per channel has both its advantages and disadvantages:

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February 29, 2016

What is the difference between Wet-to-Wet, Dry-to-Dry, and Wet-to-Dry differential pressure transducers?

Differential pressure is the difference in pressure between two points of measurement. This is commonly measured in units of pounds per square inch differential (PSID) or in inches of water column (“WC). Devices for differential pressures usually fall into one of these three categories:

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February 22, 2016

Selecting the Right High Temperature Industrial Pressure Transducer for Liquids or Gases

When selecting an industrial pressure transducer for monitoring high temperature liquids or gases be sure to check the operating temperature range of the transducer, in order to select the correct pressure transducer for these applications.

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February 19, 2016

HVAC Trends 2016

2016 is all about thinking smarter, with the integration of devices and innovation working together to improve a process rather than focusing on a single technology or behavior. Businesses are thinking smarter by developing extensive resource management strategies to drive cost savings. From intelligent buildings to waste management, this year’s energy management trends can give companies a real competitive advantage, especially in a time of changing energy grids, rising water prices, and tighter regulation.

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