Setra Blog

August 21, 2014

Future Trends in Smart-Grid Applications

The future looks bright for both smart meters and smart grid. The market is projected to grow around $5 billion into 2020. Although this has regulators worried about policies that are in place for consumers, there are a lot of positive trends that root from these smart grid applications.

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August 19, 2014

Setra's Industrial Webinars and Industrial/HVAC Videos on Demand

Setra's educational webinars and videos on demand provide helpful information on applications, industry best practices and more. These webinars and videos are just a few of Setra's readily available resources for technical info.

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August 15, 2014

Do You Live in a Smart Grid Deployment State?

Did your state make the list of top 15 smart grid deployers? Does your community implement or require smart grids or meters? Many states are taking advantage of the benefits that they can provide including getting a more accurate reading on energy usage and tracking where wasted energy is occurring.

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August 08, 2014

A Sense of Growth in Test and Measurement

Usage of sensors in the Test & Measurement market are on the rise. According to analysis from Frost & Sullivan the market will increase by more than 28% by the year 2020. Setra Systems, Inc. is poised to meet this demand with our line of Highly Accurate and High Performing product lines. Our AccuSense platform provides industry leading overpressure capability, linearity, and performance over a wide temperature range.

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August 04, 2014

Setra'a HeadStart Software Setup Guide

The HeadStart software is used with the Setra Power Patrol meter. This windows based utility allows you to easily configure the meter prior to field installation by powering the device via USB port or checking real-time values before leaving the job site. This tutorial will take you through the HeadStart installation introduction, meter setup tab, communications setup tab, real-time values tab, read/write registers tab, and firmware tab.

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July 14, 2014

Setra's NEW Industrial Catalog

Setra's NEW Industrial Catalog

The new 2014 Industrial Product Catalog is a comprehensive guide that contains the technical data sheets for products commonly used in Industrial applications.

  • Section 1.1: General Purpose OEM
  • Section 2.1: Test & Measurement
  • Section 3.1: Sanitary Pressure
  • Section 4.1: Accelerometer
  • Section 5.1: Barometric Pressure
  • Section 6.1: Very Low Differential Pressure
  • Section 7.1: Power Monitoring
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June 17, 2014

Setra's Pressure Transducer Handbook

The sensing and measurement of physical quantities through small changes in electrical capacitance is scarcely a new concept. The natural benefits of this approach were recognized for many years. But it was not until Setra engineers introduced new materials, new designs, and innovative, dedicated circuitry that the techniques full potential was realized in the practical, real world of pressure measurement.

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May 20, 2014

Accurate Sensors Help You Maximize Air Handling Unit Efficiency

HVAC controls are built around a number of parameters that affect a building’s interior environment; temperature, humidity, air intake, and air exhaust. Reliable inputs are critical to effective control. Setra provides robust, accurate sensors to help you control your air handling equipment with ease, efficiency, and dependability.

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April 24, 2014

Setra’s Pressure Transducer Customization Process

Here at Setra we realize that each customer is unique and every application has different requirements that necessitate different features in a pressure sensor. We have the best interests of the customer in mind and realize we may not have the best sensor for a particular situation.

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April 17, 2014

SRH Free Shipping!

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