The semiconductor chip manufacturing industry includes several processes during a fabrication of the integrated circuits to be used in electronics. As such, many of these processes are complex and sensitive. Setra offers pressure management solutions capable of handling a wide range of responsibilities and solving the complicated tasks of stable semiconductor manufacturing. The semiconductor manufacturing industry relies on their suppliers or business partners to help provide precise delivery of pressure and vacuum management solutions.
Helping to control the semiconductor manufacturing process during the wafer fabrication are industrial vacuum sensors or vacuum manometers. In addition to measuring extremely small vacuum-pressure ranges, vacuum sensors help make the manufacturing process of semiconductors cleaner and more efficient. To address concerns common in the semiconductor industry, Setra's vacuum-pressure sensors are calibrated tightly using a percent-of-reading accuracy and pressure ranges from 1 torr up to 1,000 torr with many configurable options. Applications for industries with vacuum sensors in the semiconductor manufacturing industry include:
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