Setra Blog

December 23, 2014

Why is Building Humidity Critical? Part 2

Three Part Blog Series: Why Building Humidity is Important

Health Risk & Dangers

Throughout this three part blog series, real world scenarios, health & safety concerns, cost savings, mold prevention, and industry best practices for proper sensor selection relating to building humidity levels will be reviewed and analyzed. Part 2 takes a deeper dive into the health risks and damages of failing to properly measure building humidity. Risks and damages include: an overview of sick building syndrome, mold growth, and how to prevent mold from occurring.

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December 15, 2014

Why is Building Humidity Critical? Part 1

Three Part Blog Series: Why Measuring Building Humidity is Important

Throughout this three part blog series, real world scenarios, health & safety concerns, cost savings, mold prevention, and industry best practices for proper humidity sensor selection relating to building humidity levels will be reviewed and analyzed. Part 1 focuses on why monitoring building humidity levels are necessary and what health risks and dangers could come into play when humidity isn't properly measured.

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November 25, 2014

Selecting Differential Pressure Transducers Part 2

How to Select Differential Pressure Transducers For Low-Differential, Critical Pressure Applications Part 2

System manufacturers are providing the highest quality, most reliable, and most energy efficient automobiles, airplanes, turbine and gas engines, and associated components ever produced. This is due in large part to the manufacturer's ever increasing demand for rigorous test and measurement of these products. 

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November 17, 2014

How to Select Differential Pressure Transducers Part 1

For Low-Differential, Critical Pressure Applications Part 1 of 2

System manufacturers are providing the highest quality, most reliable, and most energy efficient automobiles, airplanes, turbine and gas engines, and associated components ever produced. This is due in large part to the manufacturer's ever increasing demand for rigorous test and measurement of these products. Differential pressure transducers are an integral part of that process for applications that demand reliability, repeatability, and high accuracy. This paper discusses how differential pressure transducers are used in critical pressure applications, two performance characteristics of a differential pressure transducer, and why they are important to consider when selecting a pressure transducer for low differential, critical pressure applications.

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November 10, 2014

Current Switch Technology Comparison

Current Switch Technology Comparison


When you have two choices of current switches to install on a variety of motors, which do you choose: a fixed set-point or an adjustable set-point switch? In order to compare fixed and adjustable, safety, inventory, and installation time will be examined to find the best switch for any application.

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November 03, 2014

Choosing Pressure Sensors For a Critical Environment

Pressure Sensors In Critical Environments

One of the most important decision that mechanical designers, engineers, and architects can make is the selection of a low-differential pressure transducer for critical-care ventilation. These transducers perform precise monitoring and contamination control of isolation-room pressures in critical environments. Pressures can be either positive for protective isolation, or negative for airborne infectious isolation control.

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October 24, 2014

Mass. Company Key in Ebola Containment

NECN Interview With Setra


Mass. Company Key in Ebola Containment

Setra’s Room Pressure Monitor, SRPM, was highlighted on the ‘Saving Dr. Brantly’ segment on NBC a few weeks ago, as it was installed on all of the isolation rooms at Emory Hospital in Atlanta.

On Wednesday October 22, Peter Howe from New England’s News Station (NECN) came to Setra to interview David Carr, General Manager of Setra, to learn more about how Setra’s line of Room Pressure Monitors can help prepare hospitals around the world for an epidemic, such as Ebola.

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October 14, 2014

Top 5 Considerations For Selecting a Pressure Transducer

Industrial pressure transducers are used in a wide variety of applications ranging from HVAC/R compressors, refrigeration and variable speed pumps to hydraulic pressure, oil and water. A transducer can be used anywhere there's a pipeline or chamber, its function is to sense and convert pressures into a proportional electrical output signal that is transmitted to monitoring or control system.

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October 09, 2014

Are US Hospitals Equipped For An Infectious Epidemic?

Are we prepared?

In the opinion of registered nurses polled by National Nurses United (NNU), 80% of the respondents believed that hospitals in the United States are insufficiently prepared to deal with potentially infectious diseases such as Ebola. One countermeasure to become better prepared suggested by the 700 polled registered nurses is to “properly equip isolation rooms to assure patient, visitor and staff safety.”

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October 06, 2014

Clinton at WEEC ‘14: It's All About the Funding

It’s All About the Funding: Everything You Need To Know About Bill Clinton’s Keynote Speech at WEEC ‘14

Bill Clinton, WEEC's Keynote Speaker

Regardless of your feelings on politics, anyone who has ever listened to Bill Clinton speak knows he is a pretty convincing guy. In trying to unite both sides of a conflict, few orators are as gifted as Clinton at leveraging common sense to bridge a gap and bring people to the middle towards resolution of an issue; today was no different. 

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