Setra Blog

January 11, 2016

AHR: Setra to Feature New Products in Orlando

With over 2,000 organizations as featured exhibitors this year, there will be thousands of brand new products being highlighted across over a dozen applications. With only three weeks away from the 2016 AHR Expo, Setra is excited to be sharing its newest lineup of products to attendees.  Some of Setra's newest products are:

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November 16, 2015

How to Troubleshoot BACnet Communications

A common issue that users see is that a new device is added to a network but is not communicating with the segment or has intermittent communication. Troubleshoot BACnet communication problems through the following steps:

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October 29, 2015

6 Things OEM Design Engineers Need to Know

Any design engineer must seriously consider the manufacturing environment when looking to select a pressure transducer for inclusion within a refrigeration chiller, pump, engine test equipment, or other machinery. The life of a pressure transducer is proportional to the system design and assembly process. 

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October 19, 2015

How to Troubleshoot 2 & 3 Wire Circuits

The following steps clearly indicate the exact sequence to properly troubleshoot a Setra 2 wire, mil-amp circuit. You must work with the assumption that either the Setra product or the system & circuitry is bad.

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August 27, 2015

Energy Management: A Little Awareness Can Go a Long Way

Knowledge is power. This statement has been thrown around a lot, but it really holds true. Being aware and having insight can lead to being proactive instead of reactive. Knowing the facts about an issue can not just fix them but give lasting solutions. One issue that greatly impacts the majority of the world is energy usage. With resources being depleted every year, energy monitoring allows for consumption awareness on any kind of level.

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August 20, 2015

10 Questions To Ask Before Selecting a Humidity Sensor

When selecting a relative humidity (RH) sensor, there are many factors to keep in mind that can contribute to longer product life and a successful project.  Being aware of the environmental conditions where the sensor will be installed can help determine the correct product specification for the sensor. Every application has its own challenges and requirements. To ensure that you choose the correct RH sensor for your application, ask the following 10 questions:

1. What RH range do I need to measure?
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July 27, 2015

How to Select a Pressure Transducer For High Temperature Environments

Using temperature stand-offs can replace expensive high temperature pressure sensors.

When selecting a pressure transducer for monitoring high temperature liquids or gases, be sure to note the operating temperature range of the transducer. This specification is included under environmental data on most manufacturers’ data sheets. The temperature compensated range specification of a transducer is the error introduced as temperature increases or decreases from 70°F. This thermal error affects both the span and zero setting of the transducers analog output and is generally listed as a percent of full scale per degree (% FS/°F). The static accuracy (accuracy at 70°F) of the pressure transducer plus the thermal error introduced by a high temperature pressure source is the total possible error for a specific high temperature pressure measurement

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June 11, 2015

HVAC Terminology

Master the Basics With HVAC Terminology

Absolute Pressure — Pressure measured relative to full vacuum. Referred to as pounds per square inch absolute (PSIA).

Atmospheric Pressure — Pressure of the atmosphere at the earth’s surface NIST standard atmospheric pressure = 1.01325 bar.

BAR — Unit of pressure (or stress). 1 bar = 750.07 mm of mercury at 0°C, at 45°.

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April 08, 2015

Integrate Energy Management Into Your Budget

3 Ways To Have Room In Your Budget For An Energy Management System

With smart meter demand rising, price points still don't seem to be budging from its premium peak. Many don't realize that with an energy management program in place, the return outweigh the costs. Finding a budget is the first obstacle that needs to be tackled when looking into this expensive solution.

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March 30, 2015

Glossary of Power Terms

For an updated glossary, please visit our FAQ page.

Alternating Current - current that reverses its direction of flow periodically (Hz).

Ampere - a unit of measure for the rate of current flow

Apparent Power - applied voltage multiplied by current in an AC circuit. This value would not take the power factor into account. Unit is volt amperes. (VA).

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