Power Patrol

Revenue Grade Power Meter Power Patrol

Revenue Grade Power Meter

Product Overview

The Setra Power Patrol is every electrical contractor’s dream. The Revenue Grade networked 3-phase power meter works with Rogowski Coils and has a small enough form factor to be mounted inside or outside of the panel using either mounting tabs or the DINrail clip making it the easiest installation in the industry.

Rogowski and CT Compatible - The Power Patrol works with either Rogowski Coil “flex” CTs or conventional split-core CTs. The ability to have interchangeable CTs gives added flexibility for last minute changes at the job site. The Power Patrol is embedded with the necessary amplifier/integrator circuitry for Rogowski coil CTs—eliminating the need to provide external power.

Easy USB Configuration - Using the Power Patrol HeadStart software, power and configure the meter through your computer’s USB port. While other meter’s require configuration in a live enclosure, the Power Patrol can be easily configured outside of the panel, eliminating the risk of arc flash. HeadStart can save meter settings, allowing the installer to clone meter profiles quickly and easily.

Field Selectable Communications (4-in-1) - Each Power Patrol comes with a field selectable Modbus or BACnet communication. Communications interface to the Power Patrol is through either an RS-485 serial connection (BACnet MS/TP / Modbus) or over Ethernet (BACnet IP/ Modbus TCP).

Line Powered from 80-600V - The Power Patrol series instruments are line-powered and do not require external power. Its power supply can accommodate service voltages ranging from 80-600V (phase-to-phase). The Power Patrol has 3 LED indicators (Red/Green) which confirm proper CT-to-phase installation.


Product Specifications

  • Configure & Power Through USB
  • Rogowski Coil and Split Core CT Compatible
  • Field Selectable BACnet/Modbus (4-in-1)
  • Broadband Power Supply (80-600V)
  • Optional Display for Setup and Monitoring
  • ANSI C12.20-2010 Class 0.2
  • Bidirectional
  • DIN Mount
