Setra Blog

November 05, 2020

In Case You Missed It: Setra's COVID Preparedness Webinar

Last week, Setra hosted a webinar focused on COVID preparedness and our latest product, the AIIR Watch. For more information on how best to prepare for potential spikes in COVID-19 and learn more about how the AIIR Watch can help create isolation spaces, watch this recording of the webinar.

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October 27, 2020

Setra's COVID Preparedness Webinar

Join Setra for an upcoming webinar on October 29 at 11am EST discussing how to prepare in the event of COVID-19 spikes. Featured products will include Setra Lite and the new Setra AIIR Watch.

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August 06, 2020

Protecting Isolation Rooms During Outbreaks

In the wake of the coronavirus, it is imperative for hospitals to be prepared for future outbreaks of infectious diseases. For these situations, the safest method for treating patients is isolation rooms. The safety and effectiveness of such rooms is contingent upon proper control of the room's differential pressure.

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July 30, 2020

Ensuring Safety in Dental Offices

During a disease outbreak, there are several risks dentists encounter. One serious risk is contracting an illness from aerosol particles created during a procedure. Aerosols are splatters, mists, or droplets in the air, and can include saliva, blood, and plaque. Three main sources of airborne contamination in dental offices are dental instrumentation, saliva and respiratory sources, and the operation site. Aerosol particles can be generated with:

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July 28, 2020

Creating Isolation Spaces in Schools

It is paramount for schools to put safety first as students prepare to return amidst all the concerns of the coronavirus. An isolation area, separate from any other spaces in the school where medical care is provided, means students displaying symptoms can safely remain isolated until they are picked up.

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July 20, 2020

Keeping Schools Safe from COVID-19

In the wake of the coronavirus, it is essential schools create the safest possible environment before students return. One of the ways to do this is to provide a COVID-19 Related Isolation Space for students displaying symptoms. This isolation area is separate from the nurse's office and any other space where routine medical care is provided. In a negatively pressurized space like this, students with symptoms can safely remain isolated until they are picked up.

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June 23, 2020

Setra's Room Pressure Monitors: SRPM and SRCM

Each space in a hospital requires a different level of monitoring. Some rooms necessitate observing a variety of parameters while others only need an indication of pressure. No matter the requirements, Setra offers a line of pressure monitors to fit any room.

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June 16, 2020

Setra's Room Pressure Monitors: FLEX and Lite

Each space in a hospital requires a different level of monitoring. Some rooms necessitate observing a variety of parameters while others only need an indication of pressure. No matter the requirements, Setra offers a line of pressure monitors to fit any room.

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June 11, 2020

How to Create and Monitor Negative Pressure Spaces



In the post COVID-19 world, new applications for negative pressure spaces have begun to emerge and negative pressure ventilation is mentioned throughout OSHA and CDC guidelines. No longer strictly meant for airborne infection isolation rooms in hospitals, negatively pressurizing a space can help businesses and other facilities safely resume operations. These new applications include dental, mortuary, long-term care facilities, and nursing homes. In long-term care facilities, creating an isolation wing using negative pressure can be an effective and efficient way to further reduce the spread of dangerous particles and increase the effectiveness of the isolation. A designated isolation area for suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients helps limit the possibility of contamination and spread throughout a nursing home or long-term care facility. In spaces like dental offices, that commonly deal with aerosol generating procedures, it is crucial to negatively pressurize certain rooms to prevent the spread of airborne infection.

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May 28, 2020

Should You Monitor Particle Counts in Cleanrooms?

Cleanrooms are highly regulated environments that require the continuous monitoring of particle counts. In manufacturing cleanrooms, the safety and quality of products can be affected if too many particles enter the space. Setra’s CEMS provides a solution for environmental data, including particle counting, monitoring and recording needs required by various industries such as:

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